Tag Archives: submission package

BBB = Book Bag bento

20 Jan

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” so said Leonardo da Vinci.  And there’s nothing quite like a Japanese bento to showcase the beauty of sophisticated simplicity…


Stop press update

It always sounds so cliché, but like they always tell you,”Always expect the unexpected…” I should have bore in mind those very wise words, ’cause I almost died when I saw the latest update on the NLB website – they extended the deadline to 31 Jan 2011 after I submitted my package! After all those late nights and long hours…… Now somebody kill me……



It’s all in the packaging

OK, I’m recovered from the shock now.

It was fun, fun, fun all the way in the final stages of this Book Bag project, from doing the fashion shoot to designing a slideshow video for ‘selling’ the Book Bag. On top of that, I had also decided to supplement my e-submission with a package containing the physical hard-copies of the final prototype, a few product photos to go with the prototype, and a CD saved with all the design templates, slideshows.

Final submission title Final submission package Close-up of contents - CD, prototype, photos Wrapped and bounded for NLB!

The final package looks very hand-made and rather rough on the edges, really. It reminded me of those school art projects I used to submit, with lots of hand-written/-drawn stuff on cardboard – would this be deemed too “unprofessional” or “kiddy”? I wondered if I was better off actually leaving my submission to just digital format… If only I had more time to do up a really slick package for submission…

Here’s the slideshow and video I did for Book Bag ‘marketing’:


In the end, I decided to submit everything, bento box and all. I’d already done it, and what’s there to lose? Maybe there’s a slight organic beauty about the hand-made quality… hahaha I’m self-rationalising (again).

What do you think? Rustic cardboard charm or modernist slick?